" Gulf of Poets inspired Lost of Artists"


The Hotel is located in Liguria, Italy, in Lerici;  just outside the center, located in a good position to reach the center, or visit the picturesque fishing villages in the neighbourg. Managed with equal skill and passion, by Arianna and Bruno Dal Chiele , HOTEL ITALIA is the ideal starting point for the tourist who wants to know the wonderful pearls of Liguria, (from Portofino Portovenere, Cinque Terre passing), using the public facilities (trains or shuttle boats ), but it is also recommended for customers who want to find in this delightful corner of Levante Ligure, tranquility and serenity of a seaside holidays...

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Restaurant, located on the ground floor of the Hotel, has two rooms and a delightful terrace, where you can dine outdoors, offers to customers a wide choice of regional and international dishes, prepared with care and passion by Chef where to lord it is the fish of the sea and the wine of the famous Levante Ligure. The family then, allows a more accurate and targeted to the complete satisfaction score that, combined with spontaneous sympathy, make Hotel Italy, a place where you feel friends.

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Adjacent to the hotel, accessible by external stairs, in 2010, there is an outbuilding, consisting of 5 separate bedrooms, also equipped with all amenities and very comfortable.
The built is characterized by modern and functionals intern.

You can choose to include breakfast and restaurant service in your stay or no.

The entire structure of the hotel is covered by WiFi wireless Internet network.  Parking is free.

The price is flexible and negotiable in base of the season.

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 Loc. Bivio Fiascherino
19032 Lerici (SP)


P.I. 00936410117

Phone / Fax:

+39 0187.967272

+39 0187.967192



We want to inform you that our facility starts all over again in full safety, in compliance with the hygienic-sanitary rules foreseen by the protocols for COVID 19.


In addition to the ordinary cleaning procedures, Hotel Italia is subjected to disinfection using products provided for in point 6 of the Ministerial of Health circular and in compliance with the Trade Union Ordinance of the Municipality of Lerici (Liguria Region Ordinance No. 32/2020).


Lerici, la perla del Golfo dei Poeti dove numerosi intellettuali hanno tratto ispirazione, da Shelley a Byron, passando poi da Montale a Soldati, hanno tutti trovato quà la serenità e l’ambiente adatto per il loro corpo e la loro mente.

Il borgo marinaro, mantiene ancora perfettamente intatte le caratterische tipiche degli agglomerati urbani liguri del tempo, fatti di fitte costruzioni, divise da piccoli selciati detti carruggi, che terminano tutti sul porticciolo.

Il golfo è dominato dalla imponente struttura del castello, che sorgendo su un promontorio a dirupo sul mare, faceva di questa costruzione un luogo praticamente inespugnabile. Oggi il maniero è diventato il simbolo di Lerici, ma anche un importante museo geopaleontologico, dopo il ritrovamento in zona di reperti risalenti al paleolitico.

Pur mantenendo intatto il fascino del passato, Lerici ha saputo nel tempo dotarsi di un’alta ricettività, fatta di ottimi locali, bar, pub, magnifiche spiagge, contornate dal cristallino mare Ligure, riconosciuto tra i più puliti d’Italia, tanto da fregiarsi dell’ambita Bandiera Blu.

Il comune di Lerici fa parte inoltre dell’incantevole Parco di Montemarcello, area protetta, che si affaccia su tutto il golfo di La Spezia ed è circondato da altrettante caratteristiche località come, San Terenzo,La Serra,Tellaro, Pugliola, Solaro, Pozzuolo, Fiascherino.


LERICI AND neighbourg

" Really Amazing Territory"


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